Aligarh Religion data

Aligarh is a city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The city has a diverse population and is home to people of many different religions. The majority of the population is Hindu, but there are also significant numbers of Muslims, Christians, and Jains. The city is known for its historical significance and cultural heritage, and is home to the famous Aligarh Muslim University.

Religion Percentage Total

Hindu - 55.36 % - 484,036

Muslims - 42.64 % - 372,881

Christian - 0.53 % - 4,612

Sikh - 0.36 % - 3,139

Buddhist - 0.05 % - 423

Jain - 0.28 % - 2,419

Others - 0.oo % - 20

Not Stated - 0.79 % - 6,878