State of India’s Environment report 2023

 State of India’s Environment Report 2023: An Overview

India is home to diverse wildlife and vegetation, and its environment has been a subject of concern for a long time. The State of India's Environment (SoE) Report is an annual publication that aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the environment in the country. The report covers various aspects such as air and water quality, waste management, climate change, and biodiversity conservation. In this article, we will discuss the key findings and recommendations of the SoE Report 2023.

Introduction to State of India's Environment Report

The State of India's Environment Report is a flagship publication of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE). It is released annually on World Environment Day (5th June). The report provides an in-depth analysis of various environmental issues in the country and their impacts on human health and the economy.

Key Findings of SoE Report 2023

The SoE Report 2023 highlights several alarming trends in India's environment, some of which are discussed below:

Air Quality

India's air quality continues to deteriorate, with several cities ranking among the most polluted in the world. The report states that more than 50% of India's population is exposed to high levels of air pollution, leading to increased cases of respiratory diseases and premature deaths. The report recommends strict enforcement of air pollution control measures, including the promotion of clean energy sources and public transportation.

Air pollution is responsible for an average loss of four years and 11 months of life expectancy in India. In comparison to the urban areas, rural India is losing more years due to health issues related to air pollution. Additionally, rural areas require 35% more community health centers to address this problem.

Water Quality

Water pollution is a significant problem in India, with several rivers and lakes severely contaminated with industrial and domestic waste. The SoE Report 2023 highlights the need for urgent action to improve water quality, including the proper disposal of waste and the regulation of industrial effluents. The report also stresses the need to conserve water resources and promote sustainable water use practices.


India's ranking in meeting the United Nations-mandated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has slipped by nine places over the past five years, placing the country at 121 globally in 2022. India ranks lower than four other South Asian countries, namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. India is struggling with 11 out of 17 SDGs, including SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities).

Climate Change

India is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns affecting agriculture, water resources, and human health. The SoE Report 2023 calls for the implementation of effective adaptation and mitigation strategies, including the promotion of renewable energy sources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Biodiversity Conservation

India is home to several endangered species, and the loss of habitat and poaching remain significant threats to their survival. The report highlights the need for stronger conservation measures and the promotion of sustainable development practices that protect biodiversity.

Recommendations of SoE Report 2023

The SoE Report 2023 makes several recommendations to address the environmental challenges facing India, some of which are outlined below:

Strengthening Environmental Governance

The report stresses the need for stronger environmental governance, including the effective implementation of existing laws and regulations. The report recommends the establishment of a national-level environmental watchdog to monitor and enforce environmental laws.

Promoting Sustainable Development

The SoE Report 2023 calls for the promotion of sustainable development practices that balance economic growth with environmental protection. The report recommends the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices, the promotion of renewable energy sources, and the reduction of waste and pollution.

Improving Public Awareness

The report emphasizes the need for greater public awareness about environmental issues and their impacts on human health and the economy. The report recommends the integration of environmental education in school curriculums and the promotion of public participation in environmental decision-making.


The State of India's Environment Report 2023 paints a grim picture of the environmental challenges facing India. However, the report also provides a roadmap for addressing these challenges through stronger environmental governance, sustainable development practices, and greater public awareness. It is essential to take these recommendations seriously and work towards building a sustainable future for India.


What is the State of India's Environment Report?

The State of India's Environment Report is an annual.