What is difference btw situation in Syria & that in Ukraine?

The conflict in Syria and Ukraine has been one of the most talked-about topics in recent years. Both countries have been facing a tough time, and the world is watching with bated breath as they try to find a way out of the crisis. While there are similarities between the situations in Syria and Ukraine, there are also some notable differences. In this article, we will explore these differences and try to understand why the situations in Syria and Ukraine are not the same.

Geographical Location

One of the most significant differences between Syria and Ukraine is their geographical location. Syria is located in the Middle East, while Ukraine is in Eastern Europe. The location of the two countries has played a crucial role in shaping the conflicts they are facing. For example, Syria is at the center of the Middle East, and it is surrounded by countries that are also experiencing conflict. This has led to the involvement of various regional and international actors, making the conflict more complex. On the other hand, Ukraine is located on the border of Europe and Russia, and its conflict has more of a regional focus.

Historical Background

Another significant difference between Syria and Ukraine is their historical background. Syria has a long and complex history, and its current conflict has deep roots in its past. Syria was part of the Ottoman Empire and then a French mandate, which has contributed to its political and social dynamics. Moreover, the country is home to many different ethnic and religious groups, which have struggled for power and resources. In contrast, Ukraine's history is relatively short and has been marked by external influences. Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union until 1991, and its struggle for independence has been a defining feature of its history.

Nature of the Conflict

The nature of the conflict in Syria and Ukraine is also different. In Syria, the conflict started as a peaceful protest against the government, which turned violent when the government cracked down on the protesters. Since then, the conflict has evolved into a full-scale civil war, with various groups fighting for control of the country. In contrast, the conflict in Ukraine started as a political crisis when the government suspended talks with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Russia. The situation escalated when Russia annexed Crimea and backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. The conflict in Ukraine has been characterized as a hybrid war, which involves a mix of conventional and unconventional tactics.

International Involvement

Both Syria and Ukraine have received significant international attention and involvement. However, the nature and extent of this involvement differ. Syria's conflict has attracted the attention of various regional and international actors, including Russia, the United States, Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. These countries have supported different factions in the conflict, making it more complex. In contrast, the conflict in Ukraine has been largely a regional issue, with Russia being the primary external actor. While other countries have been involved, their role has been limited compared to the involvement in Syria.


In conclusion, while there are similarities between the situations in Syria and Ukraine, there are also notable differences. These differences are mainly due to their geographical location, historical background, nature of the conflict, and international involvement. While the conflicts in both countries have caused immense suffering to the people, it is essential to understand their unique features to find a way towards a peaceful resolution. The world must continue to support efforts to bring an end to these conflicts and promote stability, peace, and prosperity in these countries.