1st Global Buddhist Summit 2023

Global Buddhist Summit 2023

The Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC), recently organized the 1st Global Buddhist Summit 2023. The main aim of the summit was to strengthen cultural and diplomatic ties with other nations.

The two-day summit was attended by Buddhist monks from various countries, as well as eminent scholars, Sangha leaders, and Dharma practitioners from all over the world. The event had a total of 173 international participants, including 84 Sangha members, 46 Sangha members from India, 40 nuns, and 65 laypeople from outside Delhi.

The summit focused on the theme "Responses to Contemporary Challenges: Philosophy to Praxis," with sub-themes such as: 

  • Buddha Dhamma and Peace
  • Buddha Dhamma: Environmental Crisis, Health, and Sustainability 
  • Preservation of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition
  • Buddha Dhamma Pilgrimage, Living Heritage, and Buddha Relics as a Resilient Foundation to India's Centuries-Old Cultural Links to Countries in South, Southeast, and East Asia.

The primary objective of the summit was to address global challenges and find solutions based on the universal values of Buddha Dhamma. 

The event aimed to create a forum for lay Buddhist scholars and Dharma Masters to explore Buddha's message of peace, compassion, and harmony, with the ultimate goal of achieving universal peace and harmony in accordance with the core values of Dharma. 

The summit also produced a document for further academic research on the viability of using Buddha Dhamma as a tool for conducting international relations on the global stage.

In addition to promoting Buddhist values, the summit holds significant cultural and diplomatic significance for India, as it was the birthplace of Buddhism. The event provides an opportunity to enhance India's cultural and diplomatic relationships with other countries, particularly those that embrace the Buddhist ethos.

What is the Role of Buddhism in India’s Soft Power Strategy?

Buddhism has played a significant role in India's soft power strategy for centuries. This ancient religion, which originated in India, has been instrumental in shaping India's cultural identity and has helped India establish its influence in other parts of the world. 

Buddhism's roots in India can be traced back to the 6th century BCE when Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, attained enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, a city located in the present-day state of Bihar. Since then, Buddhism has spread to many parts of the world, including Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Central Asia. India has always been a center of Buddhist learning and has played a crucial role in spreading Buddhism to other parts of the world.

India's soft power strategy aims to influence the world through culture, ideas, and values rather than military and economic might. In this context, Buddhism has been an essential tool for India to achieve its soft power objectives. India has used Buddhism to promote its cultural heritage, enhance its image as a peace-loving nation, and build its relationships with other countries.

One of the key ways India has used Buddhism to enhance its soft power is by promoting Buddhist tourism. India is home to many Buddhist pilgrimage sites, including Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, and Kushinagar, where the Buddha gave his first sermon, delivered his famous discourse on the Four Noble Truths, and attained Mahaparinirvana, respectively. 

These sites attract millions of Buddhist pilgrims from around the world each year and are an important source of revenue for India's tourism industry. By promoting Buddhist tourism, India has been able to showcase its rich cultural heritage and attract visitors from other countries, thereby enhancing its soft power.

India has also used Buddhism to promote its image as a peace-loving nation. Buddhism teaches the values of non-violence, compassion, and tolerance, which are in line with India's foreign policy objectives. India has used Buddhist teachings to promote peace and harmony in conflict zones, such as Sri Lanka and Myanmar, where it has played a crucial role in resolving conflicts and promoting reconciliation.

Moreover, India has used Buddhism to build its relationships with other countries. Buddhism has helped India establish cultural links with other Buddhist countries, such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia, and has enabled India to deepen its cultural ties with East Asia. India has also used Buddhism to enhance its image as a responsible global player by promoting Buddhist values, such as environmental sustainability and social justice.

In conclusion, Buddhism has played a crucial role in India's soft power strategy by promoting India's cultural heritage, enhancing its image as a peace-loving nation, and building its relationships with other countries. By leveraging the soft power of Buddhism, India has been able to establish its presence on the global stage and enhance its influence in the world.

How the Buddha’s Teachings Can Help Address Today's Global Challenges

The Buddha’s teachings, commonly referred to as Buddhism, offer a unique perspective on the challenges facing the world today. While many people turn to religion for comfort and solace, Buddhism takes a more proactive approach by offering practical solutions to real-world problems. In this article, we will explore how the Buddha’s teachings can help us address some of the most pressing global challenges of our time.

Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most significant global challenges facing us today. The Buddha’s teachings offer several insights into how we can address this issue. First and foremost, Buddhism emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things. In other words, we are all connected to each other and to the natural world. This understanding can help us to see that our actions have a direct impact on the environment and that we must take responsibility for our actions.

Buddhism also emphasizes the importance of compassion and non-violence. We must treat the natural world with respect and kindness, just as we would treat other human beings. By cultivating a deep sense of compassion for the natural world, we can begin to make the changes necessary to mitigate climate change.

Social Justice

Social justice is another significant global challenge that the Buddha’s teachings can help us address. Buddhism emphasizes the importance of equality and non-discrimination. It teaches that all beings are equal and that everyone deserves respect and compassion, regardless of their race, gender, or socioeconomic status.

By embracing these values, we can begin to dismantle the systems of oppression and inequality that exist in our society. We can work to create a world where everyone has equal access to resources and opportunities and where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

Mental Health

Mental health is another critical issue facing people all over the world. The Buddha’s teachings offer several insights into how we can address this issue. First and foremost, Buddhism emphasizes the importance of mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, without judgment or distraction. By cultivating mindfulness, we can begin to understand our own minds and emotions, and we can learn to deal with stress and anxiety more effectively.

Buddhism also teaches the importance of compassion and kindness towards oneself and others. By treating ourselves and others with compassion, we can create a supportive and nurturing environment that can help to improve our mental health.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict is a natural part of human interaction, but it can also be a significant global challenge. The Buddha’s teachings offer several insights into how we can address conflict and promote peace. Buddhism emphasizes the importance of non-violent communication and conflict resolution. By cultivating compassion, empathy, and understanding, we can learn to resolve conflicts peacefully and build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

Buddhism also teaches the importance of forgiveness and letting go of anger and resentment. By letting go of these negative emotions, we can free ourselves from the cycle of conflict and create a more peaceful world.


In conclusion, the Buddha’s teachings offer a unique perspective on the global challenges facing us today. By emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things, the importance of compassion and non-violence, and the value of mindfulness and self-reflection, Buddhism provides practical solutions to some of the most pressing issues of our time. By embracing these teachings, we can work towards creating a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world for all.

The International Buddhist Confederation (IBC

''The International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) is a preeminent association of religious Buddhists that aims to establish a prominent role for Buddhism in global affairs. 

Its core objectives are to safeguard cultural heritage, exchange knowledge, and uphold values. Additionally, IBC seeks to provide a unified platform for Buddhism to participate effectively in international discourse. 

In November 2011, the Global Buddhist Congregation (GBC) convened in New Delhi, where all attendees unanimously passed a resolution to establish an international umbrella organization, subsequently named the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC). The headquarters of IBC are situated in Delhi, India.''